Last Thursday I was thinking that my lil bros were in town. (A lot has happened since I had one follower named Adyanny hahaha). Anyway I was torn about whether to drop by or not...I mean what if I came and he said "OMG why can't the woman leave me alone?" Oh be still my fluttering heart...hahaha
But my sisterly instict prevailed. And as with every good intention comes divine intervention. At the Domino's, I met one of my ex-rascals.
"Ini cikgu aku, guna akaun aku one free one for my cikgu!!" he proudly announced. (Ok, so that had to be a good omen. Allah only grants free pizzas to the blessed.)
So, armed with 11 large pizzas (5 bought + 6 free of charge) , I headed for the set. Mixed feelings. Excited to see my lil bros. But anxious. As usual. That I would end up annoying him and not be thought of as the welcoming tuan rumah.
I often have dark clouds following me. They cloud my judgement sometimes hahaha. Dark clouds carrying dark thoughts eg that what I'm doing is worthless or not enough. That I continously fail him and everybody else. That he deserved more or better. See, that's why I don't give a rat's ass about haters. Because whatever trash they can think of, I've thought of it first.
And then..he was there. So skinny I didn't see him behind some film-related objects. And he smiled. And said, "Terima kasih kak...Jomlah pergi kereta akak. Kita jamu semua orang".
It was six in the evening and drizzling. But somehow it seemed like the sun was shining. The dark clouds were up above. I mean real ones. None in my head. LOL....<Love & hugs Yani..hehe>