Thursday, 23 August 2012

me? blog?

It's the fifth day of Raya and I'm really tired. My kids came yesterday and it was so lovely to see them again. There's this song in Sound of Music which goes 'somewhere in my childhood...i must have done something good"...well, something like that :). Sometime somewhere I must have done something right for you guys to keep coming back to see me after all these years.

I love you guys more than words can express. Teaching is the only long-term job I've ever had (three-month stints don't count). I had a truly lousy lecturer once but there was one useful thing he said (the ONLY useful thing): "If you're meant to teach, that's what you'll end up doing, no matter how far you run". I do believe that coz I have colleagues who were once engineers, accountants and shrinks(!) who left well-paying positions to become cikgus.

I can honestly say that I am not devoid of qualities that make one a truly rotten person...but as a teacher I must be pretty okay coz my dinos love me and I love them back...hahaha.

However, I'm blogging not to wax lyrical about teaching but because it's Raya and some old folks have come to visit my folks. Thanks to wifi and my spanking new Dell...I can  now do things online that I couldn't be bothered to do before. Like, me, blog? Hah!

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